Google Maps Listing Optimization GMB
Optimize Your Google Maps
* Your Google My Business profile must be completed as mush as possible with name, phone number, website, business hours, services, coverage area, etc.
* Full length optimized business description (600 to 700 words).
* Upload high quality original photos of services, staff, logos, video (more is better).
* Geo Tag images with location details relevant to your area. Add meta data.
* Post offers or blog posts to your listing periodically(weekly, monthly). Note: although Google encourages to create posts often, we have yet to find out any influence in ranking.
* Choose correct category for your service and additional categories that apply.
Expert Tip: Google crawls your website and figures out what other service you provide. Adding small pages to your website with descriptions of completed jobs and their locations does make impact to be found for more diverse search terms. This technique works for any category.